Sterling Silver
Tourmaline is one of the more popular and sought-after stones. It helps to protect you from negative and erratic energies. It is a protective and grounding stone that helps to diffuse. It attracts and absorbs erratic (negative) energy. This stone helps to cleanse, purify and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. It absorbs disharmonious energies, diffuses, and dissipates them. It is a good stone for inspiration, awareness, creativity, new challenges, and negotiation skills. It is good for laughter therapy and in groups.
Tourmaline helps to ground spiritual energy, it balances and clears all the Chakras and forms a protective shield around the body. It is a shamanic stone that brings protection when used for rituals. Tourmaline is good for scrying. It clears the aura, removes blockages, and disperses negative energy. It is excellent for balancing and connecting the Chakras. It enhances the balancing ability and offers protection on all levels from psychic attacks to simple accidents. It has a strong affinity with the devic energies and can be beneficial in the garden and to help plants.
Tourmaline can be used for balance, calming, removing blockages, and self-confidence. It is good for energy and mental health. It balances the right and left sides of the brain and transmutes negative thoughts into positive ones. It is good for the inner self and yin/yang balance.
This mixed Tourmaline Pendant is connected to all Chakras and Zodiac signs.