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Selenite Moon Bowl

Selenite Moon Bowl

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Selenite is an angelic stone with purifying energy. It is beneficial for judgment, and insight. It is a powerful disperser and stabilizer for erratic emotions, it brings about a conscious understanding of what is taking place at the subconscious level.

Selenite provides calming and angelic energy to stabilize emotions. It assists in connecting with your light body or soul, as well as connecting with the angelic and spiritual realms. It induces clarity of mind and accesses angelic consciousness. It anchors the light body in the Earth vibration. The purest translucent white Selenite has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the space between light and matter.

It helps heal any trauma from abuse and heals on all levels. Selenite connects you with the moon cycle as well as your emotions and your Guardian Angels.

Selenite is connected to the Crown Chakra and is most powerful for Taurus ♉️ signs.